
Showing posts from July, 2020

(SPACESHIP) maya texture with photoshop color corrector nino linghting

(SPACESHIP) 2 area lighting with photoshop color corrector

(SPACESHIP) modling and ambient occlusion render

(ARMY TANK) maya texture

(ARMY TANK) area lighting

(ARMY TANK) modeling and ambient occlusion render

(CAR)maya texture


(CAR) modeling and ambient occlusion

(GUN)maya texture

(GUN) lighting with amambient occlusion

(GUN)maya arnold lighting

(GUN)modling and ambient occlusion render

(FOX) maya texture colour correction in photoshop

(FOX)lmaya arnold lighting

(FOX) modling and ambient occlusion render

(ROBO HOMO) maya texture

(ROBO HOME) lighting from maya Arnold

(ROBO HOME) modling with ambient occlusion

(AK47)texture from keyshot

(Ak47) modling with ambient occlusion